Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Ah, the Glory of Spring

It is officially spring. Last week we had some lovely sunny days in the 50s and even one day near 60. It is Minnesota. This morning there is snow on the ground.

To put a positive spin on it, though: more time to get caught up with woolly projects that are too hot to knit on in the summer.

Last night I pulled out the Parrot House wrap (modeled by Lewis, below) to work on some more. It's still in the same state it was when I took the picture.

I also pulled out my half-finished "Children of Lir" wrap from Traditional Knitted Lace Shawls by Martha Waterman. I'm doing it in red Silky Wool by Elsebeth Lavold. It is half-finished; it starts with a provisional cast-on. You knit half of the wrap, then pull out the provisional cast-on, pick up those stitches, then knit the other half down in the opposite direction. I didn't do a good job of picking up from the provisional CO, or maybe it's just that I had a migraine beginning and didn't know it yet. At any rate, I'm having trouble figuring out how to get it going again, so it's currently resting quietly in preparation for the next onslaught.

My Sonoma Mountain Wrap is also resting quietly. (You'd think I was running a project infirmary here; maybe I am.) I have to pull out and re-do the applied I-cord border and then it will be FINISHED. But I do have to pause to reflect before that final step.

Although I am not a parent, I do play one on TV, so to speak. Favorite Child, who is now 6-1/2, lives in my household, and I spend a lot of time with her when her parents are working. And, as you bona fide parents and grandparents know, 'tis folly to try to work on lace or other intricately patterned projects, or to do high-risk frogging with children around. I might just catch myself uttering one of the "swear words" on her list, e.g. "stupid" or "shut up". (Those, in case you didn't know, are the two 's' words. The other night, when a show was on cable TV, the more usual 's' word was uttered, and it went right by her.)

My mom's proprietary swear word when we were kids was "foop". One of my housemates prefers "sugar bumbles". I usually go with "oh, dear", "oh, no", or the ever-popular "shoot".

I think I'm going to give the Children of Lir mess another go now; the migraine seems to be gone, though if I run into more trouble, it may be back. If I have to say "oh, dear" more than twice, it will go back into the infirmary.

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