Still no pictures ...
My camera is still dead, so you will have to use your imagination as you read about my projects.
Maybe by the time I actually finish something, I will have a new camera.
I am knitting a few things for a silent auction at my favorite 5-year-old's Montessori school, so the other day I knit a sweet baby bolero in Schaeffer Yarns' Lola in turquoise/green. Think hard and picture it here _____________. I still have to sew it together, which I will probably characteristically leave till the very last minute.
She shoots she scores!
I was very frustrated when I found I was a few yards short of a sleeve (is that like being two slices of baloney short of a sandwich?), and I was about to adjust the pattern to have 3/4 sleeves, when a deep urge to organize my stash took hold. I went through every tub, bin, bag, and box, sorted and labeled, and trashed yarn with abandon. I had skeins of stuff that had apparently come to me from aliens, because I didn't recognize it no matter how long I puzzled over it. My mantra became, "Hate it, don't want it, won't use it, hate it, hate it" and I shoved ugly and alien yarns into a big bag, which I then lofted into the garbage bin with a resounding, um, well not a "crash" exactly, but at least an "umph". Ahhhhhhh.
Having purged thusly, I organized yarn into projects-in-progress (a shocking number), yarn awaiting projects (even more shocking), sock yarn (ouch), socks in progress (so that's why I keep buying two new sets of Addi Turbo size 1 every other week), leftovers, and Other. And then ... SCORE! I found three balls of yarn in the color I needed to complete my truncated sleeve. Never mind that I'd bought the yarn to do a different project. That project was so far on the back burner that it fell behind the stove anyway. Not only that, but I found the errant ball of Lola I was looking for to make yet another baby sweater for the auction.
So, life is good. And organized. And as long as I never touch my stash again, nor bring any new yarn home, it will stay organized in perpetuity.