Having said that I hate knitalongs, especially mystery knitalongs, I bought the pattern for Stephen West's recent mystery knitalong. But I had heard from friends that, since it involves 3 yarns in 3 different colors, it was difficult to know which yarn to start with. So I'm going to look at completed ones on Ravelry, see if I like the pattern and try to understand how the colors should best be arranged. And if I don't like it, I won't make it. I'm making use of my underlying talent for procrastination to eliminate the mystery element.
I haven't been knitting much. I've been busy with lots of other things, like going to the Minnesota State Fair. Aside from CHEESE CURDS, Pronto Pups, and the new sweet corn ice cream, my favorite thing is the knitting display in the Creative Activities building. Emily Tremain's fair isle Doublemassa hat in Kauni Effektgarn is stunning, and, gratifyingly, it was prominently displayed instead of hidden under layers of other items. Katie Smith's beautiful sweater made of Opal sock yarn was also prominently displayed. Both won ribbons.
There were also quite a few lace scarves, stoles, and shawls, few of which were displayed so that you could see much of them. I realize there is limited display space, but some of these items looked very nice from what you could see of them.
Susan Rainey's circular tablecloth, done in what looked like fine crochet cotton, was gorgeous. It was impeccably knit, and impeccably blocked.
I am not a fair-enterer. While I'm vain about some of my talents and abilities, and somewhat proud of my knitting, I don't feel a need to be validated by winning a ribbon in the fair. Or maybe I'm just lazy.
It's been quite zippy on the home front, with a visiting sister, her two dogs (one is a 5-month-old puppy) and three cats. And I have a dog. They form a loose sort of Dog Chorus with hissing and growling for percussion.
Soon after the puppy, a blue merle smooth collie, arrived, I saw her thrashing something around on the floor. Since she had at least five toys strewn over the floor, I didn't think much of it at first. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a dash of rich red. I wonder where she got that small red blanket, I thought. Hmmm. We don't have a small red blanket. Ummmm ... OH NO! NOT THE SCHAEFER! Let's just say Nancy is now possibly just Nan. I'm calling the puppy Vinegar Breath now.
By choice, I'm lying low for the Labor Day holiday. I'll need a vacation after my sister's vacation.
I'll be teaching Beginning Socks and Reversible Cable Cowl classes at Borealis Yarns in September and October. Check www.borealisyarn.com for more details.
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